For the past decade, High Definition (HD) has been the standard in video production. But a new wave is about to hit the market — 4K video content is poised to take over. Every week, new 4K Ultra High Definition (UHD)-enabled televisions sets are hitting storefronts and soon it will become the standard for all kinds of interactive displays. Unlike the clumsy HD rollout over a decade ago, 4K has been better planned which will make for a much easier transition into people’s homes. In fact, much of the technology needed to deliver 4K video content is already in place (i.e. Blue Ray Disc, HDMI 2.0, etc…). Streaming 4K video still presents a daunting task for the cable industry. The good news, however, is that high-speed internet connections offer the perfect alternative for delivering 4K content into people’s homes through Mobile, OTT and IPTV devices.
4K Video Content Delivery Challenges:
The primary challenge with delivering 4K video content is the sheer volume of data required to produce the images at the required bitrate. Essentially, 4K video quadrupled the number of pixels on the screen from 2.3 million to 8.8 million. Producers love 4K because the extra data gives them editing options previously on dreamed about. Consumers benefit from added pixels by getting better resolution on their television sets. The clearest, most lifelike pictures ever seen are now available on any 4K television or display. The issue, however, is delivery. Most cable providers cannot provide the type of speed necessary to handle the heavy data requirements of 4K. High speed internet offers the perfect solution and internet protocol television (IPTV) providers stand to gain the most from this new reality.
4K Video Content Delivery Advantages:
One of the primary advantages of 4K is the ability to create an immersive effect. In other words, 4K has the ability to make the viewer feel like they are part of a scene. The reason it can produce this effect is that the higher resolution images allow the viewer to sit closer to the screen without the image breaking down and distorting. Even with HD television, the viewer must sit appox. 10 3/4 feet away from the screen in order to get the optimal picture quality. With 4K, the viewer can sit closer without the image breaking down, which allows them to get immersed in what they are watching. But in order to deliver this quality of content, you need someone understands the technology and market.
This is where the skilled professionals at BroadViewIP can help. We are experts in the video content sales, licensing, and distribution to a wide range of MSOs, MVPDs and a variety of other network operators. Our wide range of ancillary video content and linear channels features high-quality digital entertainment in HD and UHD. By offering all of these options including 4K content, BroadViewIP can help you gain the advantage over your competition by delivering quality entertainment.
[cta headline=”Contact BroadView IP for your 4K Content Needs” buttontext=”E-mail Us! ” buttonlink=”mailto:[email protected]” ] Let BroadView IP assist with your content delivery strategy. [/cta]
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